About the practice
With Tanja’s background of an Iyengar Yoga teacher education the emphasize in the class is on the alignment of the body in the yoga postures (yoga asanas). Through her background in Contemporary dance and experiencing different methods of bodywork, Tanja is sometimes including other movement techniques to bring more awareness to a specific area of the body and it’s movements in relation to yoga asana. Importance is given to offer a yoga class that is well structured and clearly sequenced.
Establishing clarity on how we move and align our body, observing the quality of our breath and the state of our mind, we become present in the very moment. Awareness and concentration are increased, as well as the attentiveness on optimising the asanas according to the body’s anatomy and individual possibilities. Through a regular practice, we can experience numerous benefits, such as increased vitality, flexibility and suppleness, strenght and stamina, calming of the mind and experiencing a state of clarity, serenity and harmony.
Open level classes (suitable for beginners):
In these classes there is a simple warm up, leading into standing asanas or surya namaskarasana (sun salutation), after which other groups of asanas such as sitting, backbending or forward bending are introduced, depending on the focus of the class. The last part of the class consists of calming and restorative asanas and a final relaxation (shavasana).
Yoga mats are provided and basic props (pillows, blankets, blocks and straps) are available to modify the postures if needed.
Since a steady practice of asanas is a good and important base for learning different breathing techniques (pranayama), the primary focus in the beginner’s /open classes is on the postures. There is a basic introduction to “yoga breathing” and observation of the breath is always part of the practice.
Restorative practice
In the restorative practice, Yoga Asanas are practiced to sequencially open the body and gradually settle into a relaxed and calm state to be prepared for the subtle process of pranayama (breathing practice). In this class, fewer asanas are practiced and most of them are held for a longer duration of time, and are supported by the use of props (Yoga Blocks, straps and blankets or pillows). The breathing practices are kept very basic, for more experienced students variations might be offered.
Nevertheless, it is not that this practice is an easier practice, often times, it can be as challenging, to keep focused where there is less ‘external’ movement happening, and the breathing practice requires a great amount of attentiveness.
It is a practice in which you can allow yourself to turn your focus inwards and listen to the subtle motions of the body and the mind. Allow your body, your senses and your mind to come to a rest and experience the nurturing and harmonising qualities of the practice. The qualities that can be experienced in a restorative class, such as deep relaxation, clarity and stillness of the mind, increased concentration and vital energy can also be a gateway to meditation practice.
As for all classes, please communicate any health issues to the teacher before the class.
Yoga for experienced practitioners:
For the intermediate/advanced classes at least 3 years of regular prior yoga practice is required. You should be able to practice Salamba Shirshasana (headstand) and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand, with blankets as support). We are going deeper into the asanas by discovering more differentiated and detailed cues and holding the asana for a longer period of time. Depending on the focus of the class, pranayama may be included as well.
Individual / private class
If you like to take private lessons rather than joining a group class, in which the practice is tailored to match your individual needs, it is possible to arrange a time and date. This is especially recommended if you don’t want to start with yoga in a group- setting, and rather have a step- by- step build up into your yoga practice. A private class might also give you some guidance to reset your practice- focus, and give you the opportunity to trace and change limiting habits. Also, if you are recovering from an injury, and need to adapt your practice and find opportunities how you could modify and adjust the postures with the aid of props, a private class might be beneficial for you.
General acknowledgements for all the classes:
If you have any injury, have recently had an accident or if you suffer from physical discomforts or illness, please let the teacher know in advance. During a woman’s menstruation it is advised to adapt the practice, so please let the teacher know as well. Also, if you are pregnant, please contact the teacher before attending the class to make sure it is appropriate for you.
Note that responsibility for your safety and well-being ultimately lies with you. If any difficulties or discomforts occur during your practice, please communicate these to the teacher.